Use Twitter Lists! My Hidden Twitter Tip + 21 More in Inc. Magazine!

There are so many tips, tricks and secrets to twitters that it takes a collection of power users to even begin listing them all! Last week, John Brandon did just that for Inc. Magazine. He sent out a HARO request and myself and some other social media badasses answered…

Check out this list of “22 Hidden Features to Help You get the Most out of Twitter” suggested by top twitter pros – myself included

From following the 80/20 content rule, hashtag hacks and more the list provides some great twitter tips for new users and those working on their personal brand online. Most are not truly hidden but are all to often forgotten, including my favorite, no.15, “Include an image in every tweet. No excuses.” – Sarah Mitus, Digital Strategist, InkHouse Media + Marketing.” Short, sweet and accurate.

What was my tip?

Take advantage of Twitter lists

“Lists allow you to follow far more people in an organized way. Instead of having a ratatouille of various industry information, personal status updates and cat pictures, utilize categorized, curated news feeds created by yourself or others (Hint: You can subscribe to other Twitter users’ lists) to stay in the know on the specific topics and profiles you care about in the moment.”

I have currently 43 different lists saved and curated on my personal twitter account, 20+ for @CodeCraftSchool.

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A few of my twitter lists. See them all:

Categories range widely. Those I follow for my job as Marketing Manager at a coding school include names like ‘Colorado Tech Influencers,’ ‘Startup & VC News,’ ‘Tech – Code Masters’ as well as a list of all past, present and upcoming CodeCraft students that are active on twitter.I follow just as many for the causes I am passionate about, namely women in leadership and diversity in tech news sources, influencers and affiliated organizations.

On top of that, I have my “Just for fun” lists which include comedians, authors my friends. The amount of “just for fun” accounts I follow is so grossly overshadowed by work and women accounts that if I ever wanted to use twitter for a laugh, I had to section out these accounts so I can easily enjoy. That reasoning is exactly why you create any list on twitter – minimize clutter when looking for specific conversations.